Discover art in the Houses with our new printed art maps

Tour our House Art with the new Art Maps | Soho House

From international works at Soho House 40 Greek Street to art by local Thai artists in Soho House Bangkok, consider these your guide to our global collection

Friday 13 October 2023 By Yasemin Celepi

With more than 8,000 artworks across 41 Houses, 15 countries and counting, art has aways been a key element of the Soho House identity. Each piece is carefully chosen with the location, community and surroundings in mind; from Brighton Beach House’s swimming pool by David Shrigley to a large marble sculpture by Kevin Francis Gray at Soho House 40 Greek Street, and the iconic spray-painted shark by Damien Hirst in Soho House Berlin.

The collections are extensive and we consciously leave them unlabelled so as not interrupt your experience around the sites. But we also want you to have as much information as possible about the art you love, so our Global Director of Art, Kate Bryan, and the art team have produced 10 printed art maps powered by Porsche, which can be found in these locations: Soho House Bangkok, Soho House 40 Greek Street, Soho House Berlin, Soho House New York, Shoreditch House, 180 House, Soho House Holloway, Soho House Paris, Soho Warehouse, and Brighton Beach House. 

Tour our House Art with the new Art Maps | Soho House

There are now also digital art maps available for all of the Houses without printed maps. These can be downloaded from the Soho House app and website. You’ll find a list of every artist included, the location of the artwork, and the background and inspiration for each collection. 

‘Having worked here for seven years, this is unbelievably exciting,’ says Bryan. ‘It’s the first time that I’ve been able to put something in the members’ hands that tells them about our collection.’ It only made sense to drop these around Frieze Week, so from today you can pick up or download one of our art maps to enjoy as you explore our House art. 

Read more about Soho House art now

Tour our House Art with the new Art Maps | Soho House
Tour our House Art with the new Art Maps | Soho House
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