Soho House Copenhagen

Soho House Copenhagen Art Page

The Soho House Copenhagen art collection is comprised of 38 artists born, based or trained in Denmark, reflecting the vibrant present and future of the country’s art scene

The Soho House Copenhagen art collection is comprised of 38 artists born, based or trained in Denmark. Throughout, emerging talents and museum-level artists alike provide an insight in the contemporary Danish art scene. Taking inspiration from the building’s window gallery, the artworks are presented under alternating spotlights, which emphasise the practice of each artist, creating a contrast between the outside and inside view.  

Prominent Danish artists featured in the collection include: Andreas Albrectsen, Anne Torpe, Elmgreen & Dragset, Esben Weile Kjær, Ester Fleckner, Farshad Farzankia, Fryd Frydendahl, John Kørner, Kristian Touborg, Lilibeth Cuenca Rasmussen, Nanna Abell, Peter Bonde, and Rose Eken. 

Highlights from the collection include: ‘Ganymede (Jockstrap)’ by Elmgreen & Dragset, a work centred around the sculptural practice of Danish neo-classicist artist Bertel Thorvaldsen, in which the artistic duo brings to life iconic sculptures by dressing them in various articles of clothing that accentuates their nudity; ‘Gynophobia’ by Lilibeth Cuenca Rasmussen, a photographic piece based on a performance that explored the perceived figure of womanhood in society; and works from the Oddly Satisfying series by Fryd Frydendahl, where the artist showcases her personal interpretation of the images regularly presented to her by social media algorithms.

Soho House Copenhagen Art Page

Kristian Touborg, reception

Soho House Copenhagen Art Page

Lilibeth Cuenca Rasmussen, club space

Soho House Copenhagen Art Page

Lulu Kaalund in Cecconi's

Soho House Copenhagen Art Page

The club foyer featuring Adam Jeppesen

Soho House Copenhagen Art Page

John Kørner, Cecconi’s

Soho House Copenhagen Art Page

Elmgreen & Dragset, club space