Soho House Stockholm

Soho House Stockholm Art Page

Playing off the dramatic architecture of the former church, the art collection comprises more than 70 pieces by artists born, based or trained in Sweden 

The art collection is comprised of more than 70 pieces exclusively acquired by artists born, based or trained in Sweden with a high percentage residing in Stockholm. Established names include Ragna Bley, Carsten Höller, Anna Bjerger, Annika Elisabeth von Hausswolff, Paul Fägerskiöld, Charlotte Johannesson, Linda Hofvander, Andreas Eriksson, Lotta Antonsson, Nathalie Djurberg, and Hans Berg. These are exhibited alongside more emerging talent, such as Afrang Nordlöf Malekian, Anna Choutova, Elina Birkehag, Joséphine Kamoun Johansson, Judit Kristensen, and Julia de Ruvo. 

The collection plays with space where possible, disrupting pre-conceived ideas about what art in a church might look like. A series of small works runs up every stairwell, full of witty and sometimes subversive imagery. A large installation by Bella Rune hangs from the main church ceiling, measuring three metres tall and formed of silk mohair dyed with Kool-Aid. 

Soho House Stockholm Art Page

Library bar featuring Charlotte Johannesson 

Soho House Stockholm Art Page

Artwork by Mette Björnberg in Cecconi’s

Soho House Stockholm Art Page

Cecconi’s corridor featuring artwork by Carsten Höller

Soho House Stockholm Art Page

Artwork by Elina Birkehag, first-floor foyer 

Soho House Stockholm Art Page

Stairwell pieces by Anna Choutova

Soho House Stockholm Art Page

Artwork by Anna Bjerger in Cecconi’s