Soho House Rome

Soho House Rome Art Page

The Soho House Rome art collection platforms the many diverse voices of contemporary Italian art, alongside special commissions for bedrooms and a thematic selection of international artists

The Soho House Rome art collection consists mostly of works created by artists who live and work in Italy, with an emphasis on those who are Lazio-based. In the main club space, there is a curatorial focus on the theme Saints and Sinners; both local and international artists have been invited to create a work that addresses this age-old concept. The idea has been interpreted in a myriad inventive ways; from football ultra-fans to Mary Magdalene, the art investigates good and evil and the space between. Featured established Italian artists include Gianni Politi, Silvia Giambrone, Claudio Verna, Elisa Montessori, Emiliano Maggi, Gabriele de Santis, Micol Assaël, Rä di Martino, Marta Mancini, Manfredi Gioacchini, Andrea Martinucci, and Thomas Braida. 

In the ground-floor Studio, there is a collection of international artists who responded to the notion of quarantine by collaborating with an artist in another city during 2020 to make an artwork. Artists include Thomas Heatherwick, Xaviera Simmons, Dread Scott, Sol Calero, Zoe Buckman, Ilit Azoulay, and Leung Chi Wo. The rooftop has a site-specific mural by Roman artist Gio Pistone, and each bedroom includes new art created for the site from emerging artists who studied or are based in Italy: Josip Grgic, Azadeh Ardalan and Nicolò Bruno. 

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Andrea Martinucci in the club bar on the ninth floor

Soho House Rome Art Page

Quaranta collection featuring Ryan Gander

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Rooftop mural by Gio Pistone

Soho House Rome Art Page

Paola Angelini artwork in the Deli bar

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Marta Mancini, club bar on the ninth floor

Soho House Rome Art Page

‘Saints and Sinners’ collection featuring Gianni Politi