Electric House

Soho House Electric House Art Pages

With works from some of Britain’s most influential contemporary artists, the Electric House art collection shines a spotlight on Notting Hill’s long and rich history as one of the city’s key artistic hubs

The club’s monochromatic art collection numbers 100 pieces and was curated by Francesca Gavin. It includes work by London-based artists Julian Opie, Fiona Banner, Yinka Shonibare, Cary Kwok, Boo Saville, Hannah Perry, Idris Khan, Jonathan Yeo, Kaye Donachie, Marc Quinn, Keith Tyson, Tracey Emin, Paul Noble and Jeremy Deller, which sit salon style along the walls.
Soho House Electric House Art Pages
Julian Opie’s artwork in the bar
Soho House Electric House Art Pages
The club featuring art by Tracey Emin, and Noble and Webster
Soho House Electric House Art Pages
The Snug including art by Agathe Snow
Soho House Electric House Art Pages
Salon wall in the club featuring Keith Tyson