All about the CDMX lunch in Parque Quetzalcóatl

All about the Soho House Mexico City lunch in Parque Quetzalcóatl | Soho House

Our Soho House Mexico City Committee members and local artists enjoyed a private tour of the unopened ecological regeneration park

Monday 11 September 2023 By Soho House

In honour of our imminent Soho House Mexico City opening, we hosted a lunch and tour of Parque Quetzalcóatl. Created in 2000 as a project by architect Javier Senosiain, the park was initially intended for ecological preservation, but over the years the land expanded, developing into an environment for ecological regeneration. Similar to Soho House, the scheme was also introduced to build a community, connecting people and nature. The development is currently closed to the general public, but we were able to arrange a special tour followed by a sit-down lunch for our guests. 

All about the Soho House Mexico City lunch in Parque Quetzalcóatl | Soho House
All about the Soho House Mexico City lunch in Parque Quetzalcóatl | Soho House

The Soho House Mexico City team welcomed artists and Committee members from our Mexican outpost to enjoy this unique experience. They roamed around the park, soaking up the ecological and architectural artistry, including the rainwater collection pool, an ecological mural wall created from used plastic to avoid soil contamination, and the oak forest that extends through ravines. 

The tour was followed by food on the grounds, courtesy of Mexican deli and bistro Ana & Alana. The menu was created using locally sourced ingredients, including freshly baked bread, a particular favourite being the sourdough baguettes that they make every day. Other highlights included croissants with mortadella, arugula and fig, and a mango chipotle and sundried tomato sauce. To finish, Ana & Alana served a chocolate mousse made from their grandmother’s recipe.

All about the Soho House Mexico City lunch in Parque Quetzalcóatl | Soho House
All about the Soho House Mexico City lunch in Parque Quetzalcóatl | Soho House

At the end of the afternoon, Senosiain gave a well-received speech in the amphitheatre, where he discussed his design philosophy and vision for the land. 

Mexico City is known as a global leader in architecture, with Senosiain being one of the most prominent there today. The Soho House building was carefully selected for its historic French influences and baroque heritage. Opening soon, it will bring together a community of new Latin American creatives, from chefs and artisans to entrepreneurs and architects.

Apply for membership at Soho House Mexico City.

All about the Soho House Mexico City lunch in Parque Quetzalcóatl | Soho House